from Dr. Marcia McFee and

the Worship Design Studio

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Full scripts of liturgies, tips for preparation and facilitation, participant worship guides

  • Use this as a container for table talks that encourage sharing in the midst of conflict and uncertainty

  • Communion and love feast versions

  • Easy to prepare and lead

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"The gathered Body of Christ, like those first disciples, breaks bread together even in difficult times. Jesus knew as he gathered his loved ones around him that, despite their connection as chosen family, there was discord and difficulty. He knew that some would betray and some would deny him. And he knew there was certainly not one mind about how they should handle the circumstances they found themselves in that last week.

Each person sat around that table with their own fears,

their own experiences, their own doubts.

Jesus showed us that even and especially

in that kind of circumstance,

we need to share food

that will sustain us for the road ahead."

  • from "Table Talks: A Ritual for Facilitating Difficult Conversations"